31-08-2009, 10:58
Η πλειοψηφια των scripts που κυκλοφορουνε δεν εχουν παρει εγκριση για να μπορουν να χρησιμοποιηθουν.
Ωστοσο η χρηση τους δεν επιφερει κανεναν κινδυνο γιατι κανεις δεν μπορει να ξερει τι scripts εχετε φορτωσει εσεις στο firefox σας.Ο μονος τροπος για να το δουνε ειναι να σας hackαρουν τον υπολογιστη,οποτε..

Χρησιμοποιειστε τα αφοβα!

(Παντα με δικη σας ευθυνη ομως,ε?)
Α, και αμα χρειαστει να κανετε screenshot, τοτε μην ξεχασετε να απενεργοποιησετε το Greasemonkey..
δημιουργία magman 31-08-2009
τελευταία καταχώρηση (admin) 31-08-2009
απαντήσεις 1
προβολές 26611 (admin)
31-08-2009, 11:06
Παραθετω ενα αποσπασμα σχετικα με αυτο,στα αγγλικα:

(Αφορα το Ikariam Kronos, αλλα το ποσταρω για να δειτε τι λεει:)

Can I be banned for using Kronos Utils?

The short answer: yes.

The longer, more relevant answer: very unlikely, unless you cause Gameforge increased costs.

While Kronos Utils itself abides by the Greasemonkey helper guidelines I once coined, and Gameforge and/or their mods apparently liked enough to make it a sticky, end-user support costs!

Look at it this way: people pestering Gameforge with issues that are not Gameforge's fault are wasting their time with issues that would not come up, if everybody ran the game naked, exactly as Gameforge delivered it (or with some small mods, like the score searcher, which Gameforge themselves have decided they like).

In the case linked above, a player had first seen the Kronos augmented resource view, which shows how much more needs to be donated to reach next level, then turned off Kronos, and been aghast when that amount changed (to how much had been donated so far, which is the IMO less useful default looks). That's not a bug, and it probably got someone over at Gameforge peeved for wasting their time. Only, instead of railing about it here, as I might, they have the more convenient ban hammer, and might close down your account in a swift blow with it, instead. You may want to avoid that. Tread lightly, and pre-screen your own bug reports.

Can Gameforge detect me using Kronos Utils?

The short answer: if they're competent, and really want to, or if you post bug reports with screenshot evidence of it.

The longer, more relevant answer: they have no reason to back up their actions by server log evidence, as they don't answer to any particular authority other than themselves for following rules, also invented by themselves. Things do not work that way; the Terms&Conditions you sign on to are really for your own benefit to understand under which premises they want to offer you their services of playing the game and listening to your feedback. You may lose that license if you don't abide by them, and do so at your own peril.

Do they really want to detect me using Kronos Utils?

The short answer: hardly.

The longer, more relevant answer: reading log files to look for user behaviours that could be indicative of third party scripts (or setting up automation processes, for doing the same) costs lots of time, effort, and money. It is not in Gameforge's interest to waste either to ascertain that nobody is running Kronos Utils, or any other script which doesn't hurt them in other ways. Also, systematically banning lots and lots of people who love the game costs them paying players and player goodwill, neither of which are beneficial to Gameforge's profits.

Gameforge is primarily a company interested in making a profit.
(And, conversely: the Kronos Utils community is primarily a group of people interested in having fun.)
Συνδέσου στον λογαριασμό σου, για να απαντήσεις σε αυτό το θέμα.
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